Find All Files Containing Specific Text On Linux
Do the following:
View List of Files in ZIP archive on Linux
Read Contents of Zipped Files without
Replacing a File inside an archive
It is used to clear screen , if you give it as it it doesn't work
tput clear : it clears the screen, most unix systems simply offers clear command.
See the processes
word count

the file contains 6 line , 6 words and 42 characters
Can compare two files

comm : whats common in two files

tells you what you need to do , to make files common

echo * & ls

ls options

-F : notice the * tells its an executable , the / tells its a directory and remaining are normal.
-x : multi columnar display

-R is recursive
-r is display in reverse order
-d : display only the directory name
-t : sort file by lat modification time
-u : sort file name by last access time
- i : display inode number
- v : display non printing character
- n : display line numbers
cp & rm
-i : interactive
-R : recurisve
What is inode ?
An inode is an entry in inode table, containing information ( the metadata ) about a regular file and directory. An inode is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as ext3 or ext4.

Note that
Different pagers
Similarly chmod ugo+x abc.txt

Similarly there is
$ grep -c "one" *
llalc2@ABC ~/temp
$ grep -c "threes" *
llalc2@ABC ~/temp
$ grep -v "threes" *
abc.txt:four five
hello.txt:four five
there are different types of shells
Do the following:
grep -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e 'pattern'
is recursive,-n
is line number, and-w
stands for match the whole word.-l
(lower-case L) can be added to just give the file name of matching files.
, --include
, --exclude-dir
or --include-dir
flags could be used for efficient searching:- This will only search through those files which have .c or .h extensions:
grep --include=\*.{c,h} -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"
- This will exclude searching all the files ending with .o extension:
grep --exclude=*.o -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"
- Just like exclude files, it's possible to exclude/include directories through
parameter. For example, this will exclude the dirs dir1/, dir2/ and all of them matching *.dst/:
grep --exclude-dir={dir1,dir2,*.dst} -rnw '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern"
This works very well for me, to achieve almost the same purpose like yours.View List of Files in ZIP archive on Linux
- unzip -l zipfilename ( where l is for list )
- less zipfilename
Read Contents of Zipped Files without
- first use -l to list
- Then 'unzip -c file1.txt file2.txt | less'
Replacing a File inside an archive
- extract file : jar -xf abc.war $file
- insert it back : jar -uvf abc.war $file
It is used to clear screen , if you give it as it it doesn't work
tput clear : it clears the screen, most unix systems simply offers clear command.
See the processes
word count
the file contains 6 line , 6 words and 42 characters
- wc -l filename.txt : count lines
- wc - w filename.txt : count words
- wx -c filename.txt : count characters
Can compare two files
- if two files identical no output message
- if difference
comm : whats common in two files
tells you what you need to do , to make files common
echo * & ls
ls options
-F : notice the * tells its an executable , the / tells its a directory and remaining are normal.
-x : multi columnar display
-R is recursive
-r is display in reverse order
-d : display only the directory name
-t : sort file by lat modification time
-u : sort file name by last access time
- i : display inode number
- v : display non printing character
- n : display line numbers
cp & rm
-i : interactive
-R : recurisve
What is inode ?
An inode is an entry in inode table, containing information ( the metadata ) about a regular file and directory. An inode is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as ext3 or ext4.
Note that
- cp adds an inode number
- mv doesn't disturb inode number but changes file name
- rm deletes both file and inode
Different pagers
- pg : now obsolete
- more : berkley's original
- less : mostly available on all linux machines, more powerful and is vi based
- -c : create archive
- -x : extract from archive
- -t : display files in archive
- -f arch : specify the archive
- -v : verbose
tar -zcvf tar-archive-name.tar.gz source-folder-name
zip abc.html xyz.txt
Similarly chmod ugo+x abc.txt
Similarly there is
- chown
- chgrp
- execute mode
- input mode
- i : input to left of cursor
- a : input to right of cursor
- I : insert at begining of line
- A : insert at end of line
- o : opens line below
- O : opens line above
- rch : replace single character under cursor with ch
- R : replace text from cursor to Right
- s : replace single character with cursor with any number of characters
- S: Replace entire line
- :w saving your work ( writes buffer to disk )
- :wq or :x : save and quit your work
- :q : doesnt work if buffer is not saved
- :q! : buffer is changed if you still want to abandon change
- x : delete a character
- dd : deletes a line
- 6dd : deletes current line and 5 lines below
- n : repeat search in current direction
- N : search in opposite direction
- find . -name abc.txt
- find . -iname abc.txt (case insensitive search)
- find . -name '*.txt'
- find . -type f -name abc.txt (to find file with name abc.txt)
- find . -type f -perm 0777 -print (find file with all permissions) (777 = owner group others )
- find . -type f ! -perm 0777 -print
- find . -perm /a=x (find all executable)
- find . -perm /u=r (find all read only)
- find . -type f -perm 0777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; ( find files with permission 777 & change it to 755)
- find . -type f -empty -exec rm -f {} \; ( find empty files and delete it )
- find . -type f -name “.*” (find all hidden files )
- find . -type f -mtime 10 ( find files that are modified 10 days back )
- find . -type f -atime 10 ( find files that were accessed 10 days back )
- find . -type f -mtime +10 -mtime -20 ( find files that are modified 10 days back & less than 20 days )
- find . -mmin 1 (find files modified 1 min back )
- ( -1 means less than 1 day , +1 more than 1 day)
- find . -user root -name “*.txt”
- find . -group developer -name “*.txt”
- find . -size -1M ( find files that are less than 1 MB )
- find . -size +1M . -size -3M ( find files that are more than 1MB & less than 3 MB )
- find . -type f -name “*.txt” >> /dev/null (redirect error to /dev/null i.e. dont show on screen)
- find . -type f -not -name “*.txt” ( find files not txt files)
- find / -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name “*.txt” (notice maxdepth)
- find . \(-name “*.txt” -o -name “*.html” \) -exec rm -f {} \;
- grep "regularExpression4string2search" "filePattern*.txt"
- -i : for case insensitive search
- -w : for full word search
- -A N : display N lines after match
- -B N : didplay N lines before it
- -C N : display N lines around
- -r : recursive searching
- -v : invert searching (grep -v "main" * | wc -l ... search files with not word main )
- -c : count number of matches
- -I : display filename with matches pattern
- -o : show position of matching word
- -n : show number while displaying output
$ grep -c "one" *
llalc2@ABC ~/temp
$ grep -c "threes" *
llalc2@ABC ~/temp
$ grep -v "threes" *
abc.txt:four five
hello.txt:four five
there are different types of shells
- korn shell
- sh : the primitive bourne shell
- csh : C shell
- bash shell : very powerfull and recommended for use.
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