A partial solution came up ... OpenID With some drawbacks
- Not applicable to secure sites like banking etc
- Adopted by most NOT ALL.
Well the answer is simple ALGORITHM .. he he .. wondering how ??
let me give you an example...
Generate an algorthim , exploiting the fact that the website names are unique.
If you are member of two websites www.websiteone.com and websitetwo.com
your password may be ... webONEsite and webTWOsite
And if you decide to join another www.websitethree.com then following your example you may keep your password as webTHRsiteEE
The algorithm used above is ... take the 1st three letters of website , append with the last three letters of website and then followed by the remaining letters.
Intelligent lot may think of Exceptional cases like
- What if the website name is less than 6 letters ( eg yahoo.com , gmail.com )
- What if it is exactly 6 letter
- etc , etc ....
There are certain Implicit Requirement of this technique. The generated password must follow certain guidelines.
for example your Algorithm may be take the first three letters of website and then append with last three letter's ascii value.
www.websiteone.com => web797869
www.websitetwo.com => web848779
Well thats better.. you are a quick learner. :)
But the downside of this algorithm is that it will give same password for sites like webXXXone.com and webYYYone.com or infact webYYYYone.com well thats not a downside how can someone know that you have same password for two of your website ??
Hope this helps
~cheerz !!
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