Sunday, October 7, 2012

SOAP Faults

A SOAP message that contains a Fault element in the Body is called a fault message. When a fault message is generated, the Body of the SOAP message must contain only a single Fault element and nothing else. The Fault element itself must contain a faultcode element and a faultstring element, and optionally faultactor and detail elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 xmlns:mh="" >
        The ISBN value contains invalid characters
            The first nine characters must be digits. The last
            character may be a digit or the letter 'X'. Case is
            not important.

The faultcode element may use any of four standard SOAP fault codes to identify an error.
SOAP Standard Fault Codes

1.       Client - node that sent the SOAP message caused the error. receiver cannot process the SOAP message because there is something wrong with the message or its data, it's considered the fault of the client, the sender
When a node receives a fault message with a Client code, it should not attempt to resend the same message. It should take some action to correct the problem or abort completely.

2.       Server - the node that received the SOAP message malfunctioned or was otherwise unable to process the SOAP message.
In this case the sender can assume the SOAP message to be correct, and can redeliver it after pausing some period of time to give the receiver time to recover

3.       VersionMismatch - a SOAP 1.1 node will generate a fault with a VersionMismatch code if it receives a SOAP 1.2 message, because it finds an unexpected namespace in the Envelope.
The VersionMismatch fault applies only to the namespace assigned to the Envelope, Header, Body, and Fault elements. It does not apply to other parts of the SOAP message, like the header blocks, XML document version, or application-specific elements in the Body.
The VersionMismatch fault is also used in the unlikely event that the root element of a message is not Envelope, but something else. Sending a VersionMismatch fault message back to the sender in this case may not be helpful, however: The sender may be designed to handle a different protocol and doesn't understand SOAP faults.

4.       MustUnderstand

Although you're allowed to use arbitrary fault codes, you should use only the four standard codes listed.
The faultstring element is mandatory. It should provide a human-readable description of the fault. 

Although the faultstring element is required, the text used to describe the fault is not standardized
Optionally, the faultstring element can indicate the language of the text message using a special attribute, xml:lang.

The faultactor element indicates which node encountered the error and generated the fault (the faulting node). This element is required if the faulting node is an intermediary, but optional if it's the ultimate receiver.

The detail element of a fault message must be included if the fault was caused by the contents of the Body element, but it must not be included if the error occurred while processing a header block.

The detail element may contain any number of application-specific elements, which may be qualified or unqualified, according to their XML schema. In addition, the detail element itself may contain any number of qualified attributes, as long as they do not belong to the SOAP 1.1 namespace, "".

Summary on Faults
This is probably a good time to recap. Faults result from one of several conditions:
  1. The message received by the receiver is improperly structured or contains invalid data.
  2. The incoming message is properly structured, but it uses elements and namespaces in the Body element that the receiver doesn't recognize.
  3. The incoming message contains a mandatory header block that the receiver doesn't recognize.
  4. The incoming message specifies an XML namespace for the SOAP Envelope and its children (Body, Fault, Header) that is not the SOAP 1.1 namespace.
  5. The SOAP receiver has encountered an abnormal condition that prevents it from processing an otherwise valid SOAP message.
The first two conditions generate what are considered Client faults, faults that relate to the contents of the message: The client has sent an invalid or unfamiliar SOAP message to the receiver. The third condition results in a MustUnderstand fault, and the fourth results in a VersionMismatch fault. The fifth condition is considered a Server fault, which means the error was unrelated to the contents of the SOAP message. A server fault is generated when the receiver cannot process a SOAP message because of an abnormal condition.

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